Hospital Bag - What to pack?

Since being home bound during Covid-19 restrictions, and whilst tidying through drawers, our founder Jacqueline recently came across her mother’s old notebook complete with handwritten hospital bag packing list.

Such a precious and personal find, and a real snapshot into how birthing healthcare and motherhood used to be.

With a super organised Mother, maybe its no surprise that Jacqueline went on to set up PacaPod, and design award winning 3-in-1 baby changing bags!

Although these days we may not be advised to pack our own re-usable nappy sterilising tablets, or gripe water, and when most new mothers are only in hospital for what seems like a few hours, what do you actually need for you and baby?

So whilst you’re stuck at home isolating, maybe you could use your time to think about packing your own hospital bag – see our simple packing list of (modern) essentials.

Always check with your midwife and GP if you have any queries, we would recommend looking at for current Covid-19 advice for pregnancy and womens health.


For Mama

Maternity Notes

Birth Plan (If you’ve made one)

Comfy loose clothes, which can be easily taken off and dressing gown

Things to distract you – magazines, Hospital TV card, music, headphones

Phone and charger

Healthy snacks and drinks (drinks bottles with straws)


A tens machine and batteries (if your hospital doesn’t provide one)

Wash bag – with toiletries, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, hair bands (if needed) body wash, hand sanitiser, lip balm and any other toiletries/make up you need or would like

Flip flops

Aromatherapy oils (especially if you’ve used them in pregnancy)

A flannel

Dark towel


For Mama after Baby is born

Large sanitary or maternity pads

Large comfy knickers in a dark colour (several pairs)

Dressing gown and nightie/pjs which are easy to open if you are breastfeeding

Nursing bras and breast pads if breastfeeding

Bed socks

Slippers or flip-flops

Comfy maternity-sized outfit to wear home

Cash/cash card

Ipad/tablet/phone for taking photos

A bag to put any dirty laundry in to be taken home


For Birth partner

Snacks and drinks


A change of clothes

Phone and charger


For Baby

Bodysuits or vests

Sleepsuits (including one to go home in)

A hat

Scratch mittens

Socks or booties


Cotton wool balls or newborn friendly wipes


Muslin Squares

A snowsuit if cold

Car seat – One that has been correctly fitted – practice fitting it in and out of your car in the weeks leading up to the birth. (If you’re getting a taxi home, check you know how to fit the car seat)


Do you have any funny hospital bag stories you can share? Send them to us at

In the meantime, check out our PacaPod Croyde Baby Changing Bag with its 3 pods, shoulder strap and spacious interior – we think it makes the perfect organised hospital bag.

Or for when you leave the hospital, one of our backpack changing bags like the Picos Pack, or Hartland mean both you and your partner are hands free, organised and looking pretty cool too (co-ordinates perfectly with the massive grins you’ll be wearing of course)!



April 29, 2020 by Lucy Wakefield

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