Surrogacy and Diving
I am a 37-year-old woman who lives in glorious Southsea in Portsmouth, I am currently pregnant with my second surrogate child after a super successful first baby born back in 2020. I am lucky enough to be friends with two great guys who I knew would make fantastic Dads and knowing that I didn’t want children of my own made having a baby for someone else a lot easier. By nature, I am a real explorer, adventurer, and knowing what my body could experience pregnancy and give birth was something that made me incredibly happy, to be able to give the gift of life to my friends.
It was easy for us in many ways because we are friends and executed the whole journey from the beginning with complete honesty and trust. IVF was much harder than I thought but the support from the Dads and from the clinic we used was exceptional. The real battle was the unknown; the people that tell you are doing the wrong thing that it is not normal or healthy for the baby you are growing. Surrogacy in our case and I am sure many other cases created a loving, amazing family that I am proud of every day. To plan something like that, so enormous, was by no means an easy task. There are specialists to see, appointments left right, and center, legal processes to go through, etc. The list is endless. No one enters into surrogacy, the biological Mother or intended parents without real thought and insight.
The obvious questions came up relentlessly about why the Dads didn’t just adopt or foster. These are absolutely avenues they investigated but the truth is they are routes that are not as easy as people think. There is also an element of wanting your own child, of having that pleasure from start to finish, which so many other heterosexual parents have. I don’t think it is selfish to want that because you are a gay couple. You choose to become parents like millions of other couples do every day.
Copyright - Radoslaw Krol @picaga_photo
I have seen my friends flourish as parents, they have taken it by the horns and are happy with a happy toddler. The next addition to that will only make it more wonderful than it already is. My learning curve throughout this has been meeting hundreds of people who haven't had the ease of being able to fall pregnant by themselves for various reasons. I met women at the IVF clinic who had remortgaged their home twice because they wanted a baby so badly that they were giving up almost everything to try and attain that. I met gay couples, frightened of entering the surrogacy journey in fear of people’s reactions to their ability to parent. I vouch for surrogacy and for going for it if you can because everyone deserves the opportunity to be a parent if they wish. I am 190% confident that the men I chose to ride this wave with will help develop happy, healthy, kind children. It was a good choice. It was the right choice.
My normal life involved lots of travel and scuba diving, both of which are my total passions. Of course, these things were put on hold when I chose to become pregnant and carry babies. If you would like to find out more about pregnancy and diving visit the below:
Being a surrogate is the best thing I have ever done and I don’t regret a second of it. I just hope they teach the little one to dive one day. Fingers crossed.
By Chantelle Wyatt