Christmas Traditions
One of the wonderful things about the Christmas season is the traditions that each family has. Ask anyone and they're sure to tell you about something strange they have either inherited from their childhood Christmases or that they've invented for their children! We had a chat in the office about the rituals we follow.
Jacqueline - MD
After arguments about turkey and the trimmings, and feeling utterly fed up of spending the whole of Christmas Day in the kitchen, we now do Pick Your Own Lunch. Everyone gets the choice of their favourite starter, main course and dessert, and then I pop to M&S to pick them up. Job done - everyone's happy, there's no food waste and I'm not missing family time while cooking.
Lucy - Design
We play games of "pick up the cardboard box" - the clue's in the name! You have to pick up the box without using your hands and with no kneeling allowed. The box gets made shorter each round. There's always an intense moment where you are left with a flat bit of cardboard on the floor, a roomful of competitive people doing awkward variations on the splits while you take it in turns to try and suck up the cardboard using your mouth. I've seen trousers get split playing this game - luckily never my own, but this might be the year!
Liz - Customer Services
My mum bought an angel for the top of her Christmas tree back in the 70s when my older sister was a baby. She's my favourite thing ever, even though she is basically a doily with a ping-pong ball head and some wispy blonde hair stuck on. When we were kids, my little sister and I used to have to take it in turns to put her reverently on top of the tree. My parents moved abroad about 8 years ago and decided it was time to split the decorations between us kids. My poor angel had been stored in the loft and had been nibbled by a mouse on her beautiful face, but it didn't stop me fighting for her. She comes out every year, and it isn't Christmas until I've cooed over her for a while.
Sarah - Operations
My favourite tradition growing up was a Christmas Eve present that my dad gave me. It was always something that he had been out and chosen himself and felt so very special. Also, the Christmas board game that we were given as soon as we finished school for the holidays (a vain attempt to keep us quiet!), even though my older brothers often used to exclude me telling me I was too young for the age range on the side of the box.