Onesies, Onesies Everywhere!
Did you know that 50 trailers of unwanted clothes end up in landfill in the UK every day? And that because the people of the UK are a sentimental bunch, there are an estimated 183 million pieces of baby clothing tucked away in drawers and wardrobes all over the country? Hey, we get how hard it is to get rid of the outfits your little ones wore when they were teeny - it’s such a tangible reminder of your babies, whether they’re now 3 or 30. But there’s a lot that can be done with those old onesies and sleep suits to get them back in use and prevent the material being wasted.
Host a Clothes Swap
This is the perfect chance to get the girls round, pop the kettle on and crack open the posh biscuits, all while getting a brand new wardrobe for your little one. Ask everyone to bring 10-20 items of clothing with them that they are ready to give up, and then switch! Anything that’s left over can be taken to a charity shop. (This is also great with grown up clothes!)
Donate to a Baby Bank
If the clothing you’ve got is barely worn (and we all know how quickly babies grow out of things), why not donate it to a baby bank so it can be given to parents in need? So far this year, research shows that more than 35,000 families have accepted donations. Click here to find your nearest baby bank and contact them to find out what they need before donating.
Upcycle It
If you’re lucky enough to be crafty, why not repurpose some clothing? We understand you might want to keep the outfit your baby came home from the hospital wearing, but rather than keep it in a drawer why not make a feature of it? Check out our Pinterest board for some inspiration – from making cute teddies to quiet books, this is a way to make sure your little one gets use from their onesie for years to come.
Recycle It
Babies are mucky little things. We’ve all been there during a poonami or a sudden sick that leaves you wondering how they managed to get covered from their head to their toes. Some clothes just aren’t able to be re-worn, but they can still be recycled and have the material reclaimed into something useful.
We’ve partnered with reGAIN App to make it super easy for you to recycle those bits of clothing that are at the end of their life. All you need to do is download the app, generate a free shipping label, pack your things up and take them to your local drop off point. And the best part is you get rewarded for this with a discount code to be used at one of their many retail partners (including PacaPod, if you have your eye on a new changing bag).