toddler tooth care advice

The Tooth Fairy advice

8 Infant Oral Care Tips Every Parent Should Know

Dental care may not come to mind when you think about your baby’s health, but it is a vital part of caring for your infant.

What many parents may not know...

Slip, Slap, Slop... how to easily apply sunscreen to your child

Slip, Slap, Slop... how to easily apply sunscreen to your child

How To Easily Apply Sunscreen To Your Child

As the weather is getting warmer - hello 30-degree heat! - our children...

Tips for coping with sleep deprivation as a new parent

Tips for coping with sleep deprivation as a new parent

There’s no doubt that one aspect of having a newborn is dealing with and adapting to a reduced amount of sleep. It’s talked about before you even become a parent; by people advising you to enjoy your rest while you...

Co-Parenting Tips - Family Portrait

Co-Parenting Tips

Families are unique and each environment is completely independent of the family next door, down the street, or on the other side of the world. I grew up with a single Mum who worked full time and saw...

backpack baby bag in camo and tan with pods system to make it easier to keep organised

Why choose a Backpack baby changing bag?

All our PacaPod baby bags come with the option to be carried using backpack straps.

This simple design has long been used by mountaineers for the greatest of adventures when carrying heavy, life sustaining kit.  You could...

Five tips on finding the right job for new parents

5 Tips on finding the right job for new parents

If you are reading this, congratulations! Being a parent is perhaps one of the formative experiences in any person’s life, however of course with its ups also comes some challenges.

Striking a balance between employment and parenting can be tricky,...

green neoprene baby changing bag with removeable pods to keep you organised

Exclusive Baby bags are good for the planet…

We do a small selection of baby bags that we only ever produce in small quantities.

We pay a little bit more for each changing bag and pods to ensure that you get a more exclusive product that you won’t...

What a year! Did you know we started PacaPod over 14 years ago?

What a year! Did you know we started PacaPod over 14 years ago?

As a company we have never seen anything like the past 24 months. It has changed the landscape of mother and baby retail so that it is almost unrecognisable. However, we are incredibly fortunate to be a small business, as...

12 days of Christmas – PacaPod Giveaway

12 days of Christmas – PacaPod Giveaway

This Christmas twelve lucky new Mums are in with the chance to win the ultimate Xmas Giveaway.

This is the perfect year to quit wrapping paper, I hear you cry “what a great idea!” We love the shot of dopamine...

Surrogacy and Diving

Surrogacy and Diving

I am a 37-year-old woman who lives in glorious Southsea in Portsmouth, I am currently pregnant with my second surrogate child after a super successful first baby born back in 2020. I am lucky enough to be friends with two...