Bags of customisation
We know that you like your own style - we do too :)
We are now able to offer you your very own PacaPod baby changing bag with your very own customisable pod options. You can mix and match to your hearts content to create your very own personalised look.
You have the option to keep your PacaPod with it's classy eco black and cloud feeder pod (cool bag) and changer pod with mat or choose from our contemporary wipe clean graphic range of pods to mix and match until you have just the right look.
We also offer freedom pods for a mini escape for mums special stuff, safety pods for your toddler to pootle along side your pram without your heart in your mouth and carrying their own stuff at the same time and travel pods for all you easy to see items, which can all giggle around to fit inside the back of you precious baby bag.
All our pods cleverly fold completely flat to increase your storage capacity if needed and clip onto the pram handle for extra space too.
No matter where you wander everything is in place and easy to grab giving you a nappy bag like no other on the market, (your secret weapon for adventures with your precious cargo in tow).